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Siste fra WUSV

tirsdag 22. oktober 2024

Siste fra WUSV


Emne: WUSV-General Annual Assembly - WUSV-Vollversammlung 2024 - Protokoll - Minutes of the Meeting


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Please find attached the Minutes of the Meeting of the WUSV-General Assembly 2024 in Nuremberg and the relevant attachments one to four. The objection period is two weeks. In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. Thank you very much for your attention.


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


in der Anlage zu diesem Schreiben erhalten Sie das Protokoll der WUSV-Vollversammlung 2024 in Nürnberg sowie die Anlagen 1 bis 4. Die Widerspruchsfrist beträgt zwei Wochen. Für Rückfragen stehe ich jederzeit zur Verfügung und danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.


With kind wishes – Mit besten Grüßen,


Helga Seidel

WUSV-Secretariat General

Weltunion der Vereine für Deutsche Schäferhunde (WUSV) e.V.

- Anlage-Attachment 2-Budgeting WUSV-WM

- Anlage-Attachment 1-Cash Auditor Report

- Anlage 4-Merchandise

- P_WUSV-VV_Nürnberg_2024_09_09_D_E-final

- Attachment-Anlage 3-Review Breeding Programm


Kjæredamer og herrer,

Mine damer og herrer


WUSV World Championship 2024 i Meppen/Tyskland er nå over, og det er på tide å begynne å planlegge for det kommende året for å gi deg nok tid til forberedelsene til turen og hundetrening.

WUSV-verdensmesterskapet 2024 i Meppen/Tyskland er nå over igjen, og dermed er det på tide å planlegge for neste arrangement i 2025 for å gi deg god tid til forberedelser når det gjelder reiser og hundetrening.


Arrangementet vil finne sted fra 1 oktober til 5 oktober. oktober 2025 i Slovenia.

Arrangementet er planlagt til 01 oktober til 05 oktober 2025 og skal finne sted i Slovenia.


Neste år vil vi oppleve en nyhet i historien til WUSV World Championships. Gjestelandet for det 37 WUSV-verdensmesterskapet vil være Slovenia, men vertsklubben er ikke WUSV-medlemsklubben Kinolosko Drustvo za vzrejo in solanje nemskih ovcarjev Slovenije

Neste år vil være en nyvinning i historien til WUSV-verdensmesterskapet. Vertslandet for det 37 WUSV-verdensmesterskapet vil være Slovenia – men – vertsklubben vil ikke være WUSV-medlemsklubben Kinolosko Drustvo za vzrejo in solanje nemskih ovcarjev Slovenije.


I stedet og med samtykke fra WUSV-medlemsforeningen Kinolosko Drustvo za vzrejo in solanje nemskih ovcarjev Slovenije, vil følgende forening organisere denne viktigste begivenheten innen hundesport for vårt verdensomspennende samfunn.

I stedet, og med samtykke fra WUSV-medlemsklubben Kinolosko Drustvo za vzrejo in solanje nemskih ovcarjev Slovenije, vil følgende klubb organisere denne viktigste begivenheten innen hundesport for vårt verdensomspennende samfunn:




President Hari Arčon

Grand Route 14

5250 Solkan (Slovenia)



Die Weltmeisterschaft IP wird im Stadion NOVA GORICA abgehalten.

The World Championship IP shall be held at the Stadium in NOVA GORICA.


Die WUSV-Weltmeisterschaft Agility und die Max-von-Stephanitz-Gedächtnisschau werden in Collio stattfinden .

The WUSV-World Championship Agility and the Max-von-Stephanitz Memorial Show shall be held in Collio, Slovenia.


Die folgenden amtierenden Richter kommen zum Einsatz:

The officiating judges are as follows:   


Oberrichter/ Head Judge

Horst-Dieter Träger


stellv. Oberrichter/ Deputy Head Judge

Daniele Strazzeri


Fährtenbeauftragter/ Tracking Commissioner

Peter Mayerl


Abteilung/ Section A

Raino Flügge


Abtteilung/ Section B

Ilona Fornal

Abteilung/ Section C

Jiri Tichy



Die Ansprechpartnerin des Organisationsteams wird Stefania Marinello sein, die unter der elektronischen Adresse skk.vrtnica@gmail.com erreichbar ist.  

Point of contact of the organization team shall be Stefania Marinello who can be reached at  skk.vrtnica@gmail.com.


Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und selbstverständlich steht Ihnen das WUSV-Generalsekretariat ebenso gerne für Fragen zur Verfügung.

Thank you for your attention and, of course, the also the WUSV-Secretariat General is available in case of questions at any time.   


Mit besten Grüßen – With kindest wishes,


Helga Seidel

WUSV-Secretariat General


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Please find a letter attached on behalf of Madame President Dannenberg and Secretary Sprenger for your information. Please also inform your national members accordingly and to whom else it might concern.


Thank you very much for your attention and in case of doubt, please contact me at any time.

Future WUSV-SV Together 11.09.2024


With kindest wishes,


Helga Seidel

WUSV-Secretariat General

Ein Bild, das Pferd, Logo, Text, Design enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung


Dear All,


The BSZ Conformation Show 2024 catalogue is now available online at




For all who travel to Nuremberg I wish a pleasant and safe journey and an enjoyable stay!


Kindest wishes,


Helga Seidel


Dear All,


Please allow me to draw your attention to this detail as published on the event homepage of the SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschau/ Conformation Show 2024 in terms of the breeding groups competition. Please kindly inform your members accordingly – thank you so much!




With kind wishes,


Helga Seidel

WUSV-Secretariat General



Dear WUSV-Member Clubs,

Ladies and Gentlemen:


We are happy to inform you that the WUSV Secretariat General received the latest information in terms of the WUSV-World Championship UNIVERSAL 2024 in France. Details regarding the event can be found on the event homepage by following the respective LINK below. The registration deadline for the dogs is now scheduled for April 01st, 2024, and thus time is now pressing a little on us. The registration is to be carried out via the CANIVA Portal. In case that you are unable to register your dogs on time, please kindly contact the hosting club – the Club du Chien de Berger Allemand (CCBA) – at olivier.geiss@yahoo.fr


Also, the WUSV-Secretariat General is available at any time in case of doubt. We are looking forward to your registrations and hope for a vivid participation in the event. See you soon in France!



Veranstaltungshomepage / EVENT HOMEPAGE



Meldeportal Hunde/ Portal for dogs registration

Caniva - WUSV Universal Sieger - 2024, Semur en Auxois, 03.05.2024 - 05.05.2024



Mit besten Grüßen – With kind wishes,


Helga Seidel


Bulletin WUSV/ SV President Roswitha Dannenberg - Rundschreiben WUSV/ SV-Präsidentin Roswitha Dannenberg

Ladies and Gentlemen:


On behalf of President Roswitha Dannenberg we are sending you attached a statement to inform you about the current state of affairs in terms of the law suit pending against the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. and the situation resulting for the WUSV against this background.


Thank you very much for your attention in this matter.


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


im Namen und Auftrag der Präsidentin Roswitha Dannenberg dürfen wir Ihnen die beiden angefügten Schreiben zu Ihrer Information hinsichtlich der aktuellen Situation zu dem anhängigen Gerichtsverfahren gegen den Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. und der sich daraus ergebenden Situation der WUSV übersenden.


Wir bitten um freundliche Kenntnisnahme und verbleiben


mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards


Hartmut Setecki



Dear All,


Please find the LINKS below that lead you to the recently published Judges’ Lists for the years 2024 & 2025 – as far as available – for your information:


Werte Mitgliedsvereine,


Wir freuen uns, Sie über die Namen der Richter und Richterinnen der WUSV-Weltmeisterschaften IP & UNIVERSAL der kommenden Jahre informieren zu dürfen. Sie finden die soeben veröffentlichten Richterlisten auf der WUSV-Homepage unter den nachstehenden LINKS:




  • WUSV-World Championships IP



  • WUSV-World Championships UNIVERSAL



With kind wishes – Mit den besten Grüßen,


Helga Seidel


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Dear All:


I am happy to inform you that next year’s SV-BSZ Conformation Show will be held from September 05th to September 08th, 2024 in Nuremberg at the Max-Morlock Stadium and shall be followed by the WUSV General Annual Assembly on September 09th, 2024. The venue in Nuremberg still needs to be confirmed and you will be informed in due time.


Thank you for your attention and I look forward to meeting you in Nuremberg next year.


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


Ich freue mich sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu dürfen, dass die SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschau im kommenden Jahr in der Zeit vom 05. September bis 08. September 2024 im Max-Morlock-Stadion in Nürnberg stattfinden wird. Am darauffolgenden Montag, den 09. September 2024 – wird wie gewohnt – die WUSV-Vollversammlung abgehalten. Der Veranstaltungsort in Nürnberg ist derzeit noch in Planung befindlich und Sie werden zeitnah über die Details informiert.


Ich danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und freue mich auf Ihren Besuch in Nürnberg.


With kind wishes – Mit besten Grüßen


Helga Seidel

WUSV-Secretariat General

Weltunion der Vereine für Deutsche Schäferhunde (WUSV) e.V.



Damer og herrer


Vi har gleden av å informere deg om følgende tidsplan for WUSV World Championships IP & UNIVERSAL som følger:


  • WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL 2024 i Semur en Auxois/ Frankrike fra 1. mai. til 5. mai 2024 (vær oppmerksom på at påmeldingsfristen er 5. april 2024)
  • WUSV World Championship IP 2024 i Meppen/Tyskland fra 1. oktober 2024 til 6. oktober 2024
  • WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL 2025 i Großostheim/Tyskland fra 20. juni. til 22. juni 2025


Vi takker for oppmerksomheten og svarer gjerne på spørsmål du måtte ha


Med vennlige ønsker,


Helga Seidel


World Union of Associations for German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) eV


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Please find attached the Minutes of the Meeting of the WUSV-General Assembly 2023 in Nuremberg and the relevant attachment number one. The objection period is two weeks. In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. Thank you very much for your attention.


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


in der Anlage zu diesem Schreiben erhalten Sie das Protokoll der WUSV-Vollversammlung 2023 in Nürnberg sowie Anlage 1. Die Widerspruchsfrist beträgt zwei Wochen. Für Rückfragen stehen wir jederzeit zur Verfügung und danken für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.


With kind wishes – Mit besten Grüßen,


Helga Seidel




Ladies and Gentlemen

Dear Member Clubs


Please be informed about the latest publication on the WUSV homepage at




Please inform your members and other interested parties accordingly. Thank you very much and kindest wishes from Augsburg!


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


Werte Mitgliedsvereine,


ich würde gerne auf die aktuellen Publikationen auf der WUSV-Homepage hinweisen, die Sie unter dem nachfolgenden LINK finden:




Bitte informieren Sie Ihre Mitglieder und alle sonstigen interessierten Parteien entsprechend.


Vielen herzlichen Dank und beste Grüße aus Augsburg!


Helga Seidel


Ladies and Gentlemen:


The digital ticket sale for the BSZ Conformation Show of the SV has started. Details can be found at the following LINK. We are looking forward to your visit and wish you already now a good journey and a pleasant stay in Nuremberg.




Mit besten Grüßen – With kind wishes,


Helga Seidel

WUSV-Secretariat General

Weltunion der Vereine für Deutsche Schäferhunde (WUSV) e.V.


Internet: www.wusv.org

E-Mail:   wusv@schaeferhunde.de

Phone:   ++49 821 74002-15


Damer og herrer,

Kjære medlemmer,


Vedlagt følger hilsenene fra den nyvalgte SV/WUSV-presidenten, Roswitha Dannenberg, for gjennomlesing og informasjon. Vennligst gi denne informasjonen videre til dine medlemmer og andre relevante parter også. På nett finner du publikasjonen på




Tusen takk for oppmerksomheten.


Med vennlige ønsker


Helga Seidel


World Union of Clubs for German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) eV


Internett: www.wusv.org

E-post:   wusv@schaeferhunde.de


Ladies and Gentlemen,


please find below an overview of the judges on the occasion of this years WUSV World Championships IP & UNIVERSAL for your information.

Thank you for your attention.


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


nachstehend erhalten Sie eine Übersicht der amtierenden Richter anlässlich der WUSV-Weltmeisterschaften IP & UNIVERSAL 2022 zur Kenntnis.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.


Very truly yours – mit besten Grüßen,


Helga Seidel

WUSV Secretariat General



Übersicht Richter WUSV-Weltmeisterschaft IP 2022 in Dänemark – Judges List WUSV World Championship IP 2022 in Denmark


Sparte/ Section

Name Richter/ Judge

Oberrichter/ Head Judge

Hans Graf – CH

Stellv. Oberrichter/ Deputy Head Judge

Egon Gutknecht – D

Fährtenbeauftragter/ Commissioner for Tracking Work

Jari Kokkonen – FIN

Abteilung/ Section A

Leonardo Roman – I

Abteilung/ Section B

Vadim Plotsker – USA

Abteilung/ Section C

Wilfried Tautz – D




Übersicht Richter WUSV-Weltmeisterschaft UNIVERSAL 2022 in Österreich – Judges List WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL 2022 in Austria


Sparte/ Section

Name Richter/ Judge

Oberrichter/ Head Judge

Toine Jonkers (NL)

Stellv. Oberrichter/ Deputy Head Judge

Egon Gutknecht (D)

Fährtenbeauftragter/ Commissioner for Tracking Work

Peter Mayerl (A)

Abeitlung/ Section A

Ernst Riegl (A)

Abteilung/ Section B

Clemente Grosso (I)

Abteilung/ Section C

Wolfgang Rook (D)

Richter Schau/ Show Judge  

René Rudin (CH)



World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Circular Letter: WUSV World Championship Universal 2022 in Austria

Ladies and Gentlemen:


We are pleased to inform you that this year’s WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL shall be hosted by the WUSV member club in Austria – the Österreichischer Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SVÖ) – and shall take place from June 24th to June 26th, 2022 in Schwanenstedt/ Upper Austria. Details such as regulations, specifications and rules for organizational procedure shall be published in due time on the event homepage.


We are aware that this very fortunate news come at short notice – nevertheless – please kindly let us know at your earliests possible convenience –  but on March 31st, 2022 at the latest – whether your club will send participants to the event. For your convenience we are sending you attached the respective form for pre-registrations. Please return the document at any rate – even if you do not wish to send competitors to help the host organisation to work on the event preparations. Please return the forms to office@schaeferhund.at.



We would like to use this opportunity to explicitly thank president Richard Hüppe and his team for being availble for this demanding task. We are aware of how much work this entails and which needs to be taken care of on a voluntary basis apart from the organisational team’s job related commitments.


In case of questions please contact the WUSV Secretariat General in Augsburg or Ms. Claudia Strasser from the head office in Austria.



Thank you for your attention. Your support and early reply is most appreciated.

With kind regards from Augsburg – Mit besten Grüßen aus Augsburg!

Hartmut Setecki

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Ladies and Gentlemen,


It is our sad duty to inform you of the death of WUSV Senior Consultant Clemens Lux. For the official obituary please follow this link


Home (wusv.org)


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


es ist unsere traurige Pflicht, Ihnen die Nachricht vom Ableben des WUSV Senior Beraters Clemens Lux zu übermitteln. Den offiziellen Nachruf finden Sie unter nachstehendem Link


Weltunion der Vereine für Deutsche Schäferhunde WUSV



With kind wishes from Augsburg!

Hartmut Setecki

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Date: tir. 25. jan. 2022 kl. 13:16
Subject: Körverlängerungen für Körungen aus Deutschland/Corona-Pandemie - Prolongation for Breed Surveys from Germany/ Corona Pandemic

Ladies and Gentlemen,


With regard to the prolongation of breed surveys from Germany please be informed that no prolongations can be applied for in this year. For dogs whose initial breed survey recognition ended by December 31, 2021 and who were supposed to be presented in 2022 or later for a breed survey, this will be considered a new breed survey after an interruption, and not a life-time breed survey.


It is up to your decision whether you continue to approve of prolongations for breed surveys that were carried out in your country. In case that you continue to approve of breed survey prolongations please kindly let us know. Thank you so much and in case of doubt please contact us at any time.


Thank you for your attention.


Anne Fath


Circular Letter Scheduling WUSV World Championship IP 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear WUSV Member Clubs,


We are pleased to inform you that this year’s WUSV World Championship IP will be once again hosted by the Schaeferhundeklubben for Danmark. The venue will be in Randers/ Denmark and the event shall take place from


  • September 28th, to October 02nd, 2022


A competition in terms of Agility on the side lines of the WUSV World Championship IP will not be an option this year. We would like to use this opportunity to thank our member club in Denmark for once again meeting the challenge of the organization of our most important international competition, still in times of great uncertainties due to the ongoing pandemic. We are well aware of the hard work and efforts this requires, leave alone the expenses such an event entails.


The event homepage shall be launched within a fortnight. We will keep you informed. Head of organization will be Ms Vivi Gilsager again. Our special thanks go to her as well.


Please inform your club members accordingly. In case of doubt please do not hesitate to contact us again. An up-date of the event regulations shall be published at short notice on the WUSV homepage and you will be informed as well.


Thank you for your kind attention.


With kind regards from Augsburg!

Hartmut Setecki

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Please find attached Seasons- and New Year’s Greetings from WUSV President, Professor Dr Heinrich Meßler, for your kind perusal.


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


in der Anlage zu diesem Schreiben finden Sie die Grüße zu Weihnachten 2021 und Neujahr 2022 vom Präsidenten der WUSV, Herrn Professor Dr. Heinrich Meßler.


With kind wishes from Augsburg – Mit besten Grüßen aus Augsburg,


Helga Seidel

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -

Seasons Greetings


Ladies and Gentlemen,


please find attached a circular letter in addition to the communication that was sent out in March 2020 and which gave cause for doubt and misunderstanding for some of you. Also, please be informed that the footnote “according to its own country regulations” only applies for item DNA on the list. We do hope that this clarifies the issues still pending but in doubt please feel free to contact us at any time.


Please pass this information on to your members and all other interested parties. Thank you very much for your attention.


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


in der Anlage zu diesem Schreiben finden Sie eine zusätzliche Information bezüglich eines zum gleichen Thema versandten Rundschreibens aus dem Monat März 2020, das bei einigen Lesern Fragen aufgeworfen hatte. Des Weiteren erlauben wir uns den Hinweis, dass die Fußnote „gemäß den gültigen nationalen Bestimmungen“ nur auf den Punkt DNA in der Aufzählung bezogen ist. Wir hoffen, damit alle noch offenen Fragen beantwortet zu haben und stehen für Rückfragen gern zur Verfügung.


Bitte informieren Sie Ihre Mitglieder entsprechend und leiten diese Informationen auch an alle sonstigen interessierten Personen weiter. Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!


With kind regards from Augsburg – Mit besten Grüßen,

Circular Letter-Ranking VA abroad-comments-07.12.2021

Hartmut Setecki

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Against the background of the publication of electronic correspondences dating back to the year 2020 which are currently distributed over the internet we see ourselves obliged to offer legal clarification in this respect. The FCI and VDH fully lost the law suit! For details please refer to the clarification letter attached. Schäferhunde_Clarifications-2.11.2021-Englisch


The relevant court decisions in terms of the legal action against the FCI and VDH shall be published on the internet over the course of this month for you to give you a more detailed idea of the background.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen – with kind regards,


Professor Dr med. Heinrich Messler


World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- The President -


Ticket Sale WUSV World Championships IP & Universal 2021 - Spanien 


Ladies and Gentlemen:


The SV Board of Directors decided to hold the SV BSZ Conformation Show 2021 in Nuremberg, regardless of the numerous restrictions for the association, the participants and guests to the event that have become necessary due to official requirements and hygiene concepts that need to be implemented as a result of the still ongoing pandemic.


Please allow us to draw your attention to the respective publications on the event homepage which are regularly updated.  


One significant part of the official requirement is a major reduction in terms of the number of visitors and thus the possible sale of entrance tickets. Very much to our regret we need to inform you that the contingents available have already been fully consumed by the main protagonists of the event – the exhibitors.


For that reason we need to inform you with utmost regret that during this year’s event no guests from abroad or from the WUSV member clubs can attend the event as usually.


For that reason the WUSV Board of Directors will not be available for personal meetings with functionaries from the WUSV member clubs during the event – an opportunity that was gladly used by so many in the past decades.  


Based on the number of registrations of delegates to the WUSV General Annual Assembly that is usually held on the Monday following the event it becomes obvious that a great number of representatives from the WUSV member countries are faced with considerable problems while planning their journey to Germany. For that reason it is very much likely that the WUSV General Annual Assembly cannot be held in an orderly fashion.


Against that background  the WUSV Board of Directors decided to cancel the WUSV General Annual Assembly in 2021. All agenda items shall be adjourned to the assembly in 2022.


In order to stay in touch with the WUSV member clubs a video conference is scheduled for the second half of the month of September 2021. On this occasion the WUSV Board of Directors – together with the WUSV Continental Directors – will keep you informed about the latest developments. Also, the presentation of the VA groups for the working dogs classes at the BSZ Conformation Show shall take place during the video conference.


In consideration of the necessary planning of the member clubs as well as the persons who will represent their national clubs, and the financial resources and efforts in terms of the scheduling we saw no other remedy but to take this decision at the present moment. We kindly ask you for your understanding. Out of the duty of care toward the WUSV member clubs and in order to avoid financial losses for the WUSV and their member clubs there was no other option available at this point.


Thank you very much for your attention. In case of questions please fell free to contact the WUSV Secretariat General.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


With kind regards from Augsburg – Mit besten Grüßen aus Augsburg

Hartmut Setecki

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Ladies and Gentlemen:


Please be informed about the latest press communication “Bitter defeat for VDH/ FCI” on the WUSV homepage that you can find under the following link. Thank you for your attention.  





WUSV World Championships IP & Universal


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Please allow us to draw your attention to the latest publication of President Meßler on the WUSV homepage for our information. Thank you for your attention.




Talking Turkey


Recently, we were confronted with video tapes to be found on social media in which the mistreatment of animals by some individuals while practicing IGP sports was documented. Up to this date, we cannot reliably rule out that highly ranking participants from IGP championships and even a functionary of your umbrella organization was actively involved in this kind of misconduct.

What can be seen in the video footage is cruelty to animals per definition. The offences in this respect are clearly defined. Please find the relevant wording of the law attached. 1

In the year 2002 the protection of animal rights became a national objective and as such was integrated into the German constitution. According to our law, animals are defined as fellow creatures and no longer as mere things as it was the case in the past. We at the SV do have every reason to be proud that we have always considered animal rights and respect for animals one of our most important corner stones in terms of our activities in our almost 125 years lasting tradition.

During the course of the past decades, we did proactively support the change of our dogs from a working dog to a personal partner and family dog.

It becomes obvious to each of us that the images as displayed in the footage call the issue of working dogs, dog sports in general, and IGP sports in particular, into question at the most crucial level. From painful experience we learned that IGP sports does not only meet friends and supporters in politics and in our society. This kind of violation of animal protection rights is detrimental to the entire field of dog sports and all related settings – and thus, also to the SV – and as a consequence, this sort of conduct damages the reputation hereof and threatens its very existence.

It goes without saying that incidents like those that could be seen and the background hereof is in no way compatible with our associations’ objectives. It is unmistakably defined in the statutes 2, 3 and regulations of both the SV and the WUSV that a respectful treatment of our four-legged friends in particular in terms of animal welfare rights – is the unshakeable foundation of our joint objectives and all of our activities.

These requirements are self-explanatory and vital key conditions in all sections of dog keeping, education, breeding and training.

In consideration of the brutality and inhumanity of the images shown it is my personal belief that it does not at all suffice to express utmost and politician style disgust and outrage. All decent members and functionaries of the SV and the WUSV absolutely condemn such unspeakable training methods that could be seen in the video footage.

Owing to the fact that the methods as shown in the video material are obviously and above all most lamentably still successfully used even though they are considered antiquarian and obsolete I feel the need to offer a very clear statement in this respect

In the field of training and competition for dogs’ sport, dog and man have to perform as a team.

There is consent in our modern society that this sort of performance can only meet our acceptance if it happens in a mutual and amicable way, and in a synergetic fashion of fair play between man and dog. And fairness requires a decent conduct as well as a just and honest attitude towards our dogs as our team partners, and also towards the competing teams.


This requires compliance with the rules both in training and competition and thus keep up the values of decency and fairness. The rules of fairness are based on consensus and the establishment of equal conditions for all parties involved. Above all, this requires the ability to distance oneself from the own role and relativise the personal profit motive when it comes to a critical situation during a competition.

If we abandoned the principles of fairness while working with our dogs – which is also a statutory requirement which applies for all kinds of disciplines in this field – we would no longer be able to refer to our activities as sports.

Our association’s objectives 4, are among others that dogs are trained in accordance with and under consideration of their skills, disposition and motivation.

Nowadays and more than ever dog sports serve as a means to satisfy the dogs needs for meaningful occupation in an animal friendly fashion, especially in the field of working dogs.

Our working dogs enjoy to be kept busy. For a lack of more traditional forms of employment for our dogs, for example for our breed the herding of sheep, it is as a matter of fact, mandatory for animal welfare reasons to keep our dogs busy with specific and species-appropriate sporty activities.

However, certain rules have to be complied with in the field of sports in order to ensure that our dogs can perform without getting overloaded and certainly without the use of violence. We at the SV advocate the principle of dog sports without causing the animals pain, suffering or damage. Trial wards with their particular skills are obliged to protect the animals at all possible levels.

A dog is not a piece of sports equipment. A dog is and remains our partner, even though the animal might not or no longer be able to perform as desired, for instance for age-related reasons. Our dogs deserve – apart from their sporty performance our special respect and recognition.

It is all about the relationship between dog and man. The conduct of participants during a competition also allows for drawing conclusions in terms of the relationship between human beings.

Considerations of outside observers permit for serious conclusions in terms of the mindset and motivation of those involved. Please allow me to point to the aspect of public image. This is also about the association’s – and their members’ – reputation and about the level of acceptance we enjoy in our society Irrespective of whether we may assume that the incidents occurred are only isolated cases, it is more than ever a responsibility of the committees to remove the enticement from the rulebooks that might cause some to train their dogs in the described fashion, following antiquarian and explicitly prohibited methods.


Three approaches are to be implemented:

The judges are once more and explicitly to be instructed to take into account all unnatural kinds of behaviour patterns and ultimately mental over-typification and include these observations into their final assessment of the dogs.

Under consideration that the SV is primarily a pedigree dog breeding association, the question needs to be raised if the kind of specific subspecies of German Shepherd Dogs than can occasionally be found in the top-rankings at our events do really correspond with our ideal of the breed. This applies especially under consideration of the fact that quite obviously animals with a low stimulus threshold und the reduced self-confidence – respectively reduced suitability in an everyday life environment – that the aforementioned entails, do enjoy a clear competitive edge. At this point it becomes the responsibility of the jurors to ensure a respective selection of the properties and characteristics that are specific for our breed. Unreflective and fashionable techniques of presentation that originate from other breeds are from my point of view cause for concern.


Furthermore, there is a highly topical and urgent need for a review, the editing and implementation of a German Shepherd Dog breed specific examination regulation. It is our responsibility to deliberately verify the desired properties in our breed in line with a breed selection. A breed overlapping congruence with the examination parameters of other working dog breeds may never happen at the expense of the German Shepherd Dog breed. This applies even more under consideration that 80% of the entire volume in the field of IGP is covered by the German Shepherd Dog breed.

1 Legal Situation

According to § 17 of the animal protection act in Germany (TierSchG) the mistreatment of animal is considered a criminal act, without using the specific term in the wording of the law.

 According to § 17 a person will be punished with imprisonment up to three years or with a financial penalty if the person intentionally

1.      kills a vertebrate without reasonable grounds or,

2.      inflicts upon a vertebrate

 ·  significant pain or suffering out of crudeness (brutal mistreatment of animals) or

· significant pain or suffering repeatedly or for a longer period of time (“tormenting abuse”)

National Legislation Animal Protection Law

§1 Nobody may inflict pain, suffering or damage upon an animal without reasonable grounds.

§2 Abs. 2: It is illegal to limit the species appropriate movement in a way that pain is inflicted upon the animal or in a way that avoidable pain is inflicted upon the animal.

§3 Abs. 1: It is illegal to demand performances and activities from an animal that it cannot cope with or which exceed its forces.

§3 Abs. 1a: …It is illegal to carry out treatments in order to conceal a state of reduced performance

§3 Abs. 1b: …It is illegal to take measures such as training, competition or similar means, which entail pain, suffering or damages in order to increase the performance.

§3 Abs. 5: …It is illegal to educate or train an animal if this inflicts significant pain, suffering or damage upon the animal.

§3 Abs. 8a: … It is illegal to train an animal toward aggressive behaviour that leads to pain, suffering and damage for the animal affected, or which leads to pain, suffering or damage when in contact with conspecifics for the animal itself or for the conspecific, and if the keeping of the animals is only possible under conditions that lead to pain, suffering of damages for the animal.

§3 Abs. 11: It is illegal to use a device that limits the species-appropriate conduct though direct electrical pulse

§11 Abs. 1 Nr. 8f: (Statutory permission requirement for dog trainers)


And also, the animal-welfare dog regulation act states:

§8 Abs. 1: (…to care for and take care of the animal’s health)


2 Statutes of the Main Club § 3, 2n, 3

3 Statutes of the Local Chapters § 3, 2n, 3

4 Statutes of the main club § 3i

The animal protection laws in § 3, clause 5 stipulate the following:


„It is illegal,


5. to educate or train an animal if this is associated with significant pain, suffering or damages,


The characteristic described as „significant” is already considered to be fulfilled if minor pain and suffering is inflicted upon the animal. In this connection the auxiliary means are only of secondary importance since almost every object that is used in an abusive and exaggerated way during the training can lead to an animal protection law relevant issue and thus entails a violation of be aforementioned law.

With regard to spiked collars the higher regional court of the town of Hamm already decided in 1985 that a repeated pulling back of a dog with a collar featuring spikes at the inside of a contracting collar is to be considered a violation of animal protection rights and not at all acceptable as a means in terms of dogs training.

As aforementioned, also the usage of a variety of other objects that can be used as auxiliary means for training can lead to a violation of animal protection laws if used in an abusive manner. For instance, considerable pain and suffering can be inflicted on an animal if sensitive organs (such as eyes, nose, genitals) are repeatedly and for a certain period of time and with intensity subjected to treatment with a simple wooden club (ranging from a toothpick to squared timber). The same applies for a whistle that is being used permanently and near the ear of a dog. Lamentably, this list could be continued and extended at random. It becomes obvious that this is not about the one or the other auxiliary means. What is at issue is that the respective animal is not made subject to substantial pain, suffering or damage during the training. And for that particular reason the legislator – apart from electrical stimulation devices did not explicitly refer to the individual auxiliary means which are considered unlawful.

Since the local chapters comply with their responsibilities under consideration of animal protection laws according to § 2, clause 3, the usage of any kind of auxiliary means must be rejected if the specific and exaggerated usage hereof during the training leads to a violation of animal protection laws and are thus not permitted.

Primarily the respective handler is responsible to comply with animal protection laws, both in terms of training in particular and dog keeping in general.


Ladies and Gentlemen:


We are pleased to inform you that the deadline for registrations for the SV BSZ Conformation Show in September 2021 was prolonged from May 31st to June 28th, 2021. For details please follow the link below. Please kindly inform your members and all other interested parties about this latest news.


Also, please be aware that parking tickets for guests who do not wish to present a dog on the occasion of the show can only be booked online once the deadline for dog registrations has expired.  


Thank you for understanding and thank you for your attention.








Mit besten Grüßen aus Augsburg - With kind regards from Augsburg!

Hartmut Setecki

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Ladies and Gentlemen,


On behalf of the WUSV Board of Directors and the WUSV Coordinator for Trial and Training we are pleased to offer you a new source of information in terms of winner lists covering the WUSV Championships from the very beginning and dating back to the year 1975 which is also an interesting piece of “history” with regard to our international events.


We do hope you will enjoy this little journey back into our past competition activities of which you cherish special memories.




Information BSZ 2021 now available - Registration Forms - Approval Regulations - Parking


Circular Letter Dogs Training & Animal Welfare

Ladies and Gentlemen,


we are pleased to inform you about a publication of the SV Board of Directors with regard to the above mentioned issue – for details please follow the link below. Also, please kindly pass this information on to your club members as well as to all other interested parties. In case of doubt we are happily available.






With kind wishes from Augsburg!

Hartmut Setecki  

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear WUSV Member Clubs,


We are very pleased to present you below with the official event poster of the WUSV World Championship IP & Universal 2021 in Lerma/ Spain. Please pass this information on to your members and to all other interested parties. We will keep you informed as soon as the official event homepage will have been opened where you will be provided with the latest information as soon as news are available. And – of course – the WUSV Secretariat General will ensure that new publications and details will not escape your attention.


Thank you for you interest and we do hope that the event will find wide interest. For your convenience we do once again attach the preliminary registration forms which we kindly ask you to return by the end of the month of March 2021 – even if you do not intend to register competitors –  and support our friends in Spain while planning the most important events of the WUSV plus their own national winner show.


With kind wishes,


Hartmut Setecki

WUSV Secretary General

Meldeschluss Deadline Registration WUSV World Championship (IP)-2021

Meldeschluss Deadline Registration WUSV World Championship (Universal)-2021


Dear All,


Please find the link below that leads you to important information in terms of the BSZ Conformation Show of the SV in Nuremberg 2021 in four languages.


I wish you a good weekend and send my kindest wishes. Please stay healthy.


Estimados Señores,


Por favor, encuentren por abajo una información muy importante en cuanto a la BSZ Exposición Nacional de la SV en 2021 en cuatro lenguas.


Les saludo de forma más cordial. Por favor, que se mantengan sanos y qué tengan un buen fin de la semana.




Helga Seidel

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Dear WUSV Member Clubs:


Please be informed that due to the uncertainties that the Covid 19 pandemic still entails we saw no other remedy but to postpone the WUSV World Championship (Universal) 2021 from the month of June 2021 to later in the year. The event shall take place from October 31st, to November 07th, 2021. The venue will be the town of Lerma in the community of Burgos which belongs to the autonomous region of Castilla y León in the northern part of Spain. For details please refer to




The judges who were appointed for the event remain the same. Details shall be published on the WUSV homepage in a timely fashion.


By the same token, the WUSV World Championship (IP) that was originally scheduled to be held in Finland in the month of September 2021 was decided to be postponed to November as well. Also, the venue was changed since travelling to Finland requires to go either by ship or plane which might turn out to be likewise difficult and unreliable in these times we are currently living at. Thus, it was decided to have the WUSV World Championship (IP) 2021 also hosted by the WUSV member club in Spain from October 31st, to November 07th, 2021 with venue in Lerma as well.


The judges’ availability is currently under review and details will be published on the WUSV homepage in a timely fashion. By the same token, please be informed that a WUSV World Championship (IP) in Finland is planned to be held in 2022 instead of Austria. And it goes without saying that the event shall also be held in Austria at a different time – the schedule hereof is still under review but the planning would be 2026. The pandemic has put our world up-side down for quite some time, now, but we are getting better at coping with this situation and promise that we will get it all sorted out.


We kindly ask for your support in terms of the registration planning. Please let us have a preliminary overview of the teams you are planning to register for both events in Spain and send your answer to the WUSV Secretariat General by the end of the month of March 2021 at the latest. A form for your convenience will be attached for both events. Thank you very much for your efforts.


If further information is needed please do not hesitate to contact the WUSV Secretariat General in Augsburg. Please kindly pass this information on to all of your members and to whom else this might concern.


We are looking forward to hearing from you again and send kindest wishes from Augsburg,

Hartmut Setecki

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -

Meldeschluss Deadline Registration WUSV World Championship (IP)-2021

Meldeschluss Deadline Registration WUSV World Championship (Universal)-2021


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Please find attached the Seasons Greetings 2020 from President Meßler.


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


beigefügt erhalten Sie die Grüße zum Jahresende 2020 von Präsident Meßler.


With kind wishes from Augsburg – mit besten Grüßen aus Augsburg!

Helga Seidel

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -

Season greetings


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Please find attached a translation of President Meßler’s contribution to the SV Magazine issue of the month of November 2020 for your information and for your convenience. Please enjoy and thank you very much for your attention.


With kind wishes – Saludos más cordiales,


Hartmut Setecki

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherd Dogs (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Ladies and Gentlemen:


Please find enclosed a communication from Secretary General, Hartmut Setecki, for your information. Please pass this information on to all interested parties within your organization and to whom else it might concern.


Thank you very much for your support and for your kind attention. In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact the WUSV Secretariat General.


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


in der Anlage zu diesem Schreiben erhalten Sie eine Mitteilung von unserem Generalsekretär, Herrn Hartmut Setecki, mit der Bitte um Information an alle interessierten Partein innerhalb Ihrer Organisation und sonstigen betroffenen Personenkreise.


Wir danken für Ihre Unterstützung und für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit. Für Fragen steht Ihnen das WUSV-Generalsekretariat gern zur Verfügung.


With kind wishes from Augsburg – Mit besten Grüßen aus Augsburg,

Helga Seidel

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherds (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Dear Sir or Madam,


On the occasion of the VDH 22/2020 circular dated 21.9.2020, I, as President of the WUSV and the SV, see myself obliged to send you this letter:

 It is remarkable with what impudence the VDH keeps silent towards the cynological world that the cartel senate of the OLG Düsseldorf has determined in an unmatched clarity that the "infamous" order of the VDH to the SV of 13.12.2019, issued by the FCI, not to send any judges to non-FCI events, is a violation of competition law and therefore void.

 Also the statutes of both VDH and FCI, which are based on this order, violate German and European law, as the court has made clear. Thus they are also contrary to antitrust law and void. The Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf even comes to the conclusion that there is a "restriction of competition intended by VDH/FCI" and thus a particularly serious breach of competition law on the part of VDH/FCI.

 Therefore, the VDH had no choice but to withdraw the illegal order not to send judges to non-FCI events of other parties as soon as possible.

 For the sake of simplicity, we enclose for clarification the letter from Gleiss Lutz Rechtsanwälte dated September 23 this year. Gleis Lutz has obtained the judgement described above for the three WUSV clubs that are not affiliated with FCI.

 For clarification:

Without this decision, VDH and FCI would have maintained and continued their clearly illegal attitude and approach, and would have continued to threaten and intimidate the SV and the entire German Shepherd Dog World with the worst sanctions. We further understand from the judgement that for the OLG Düsseldorf an unrestricted competition between the different world dog associations is of elementary importance. 

With this in mind, we will draw the necessary conclusions for the recognition of stud books and pedigrees and implement them.

BriefWUSV_Zusammenfassung Urteil_Final

VDH Rundschreiben 21.Sept,2020

Urteil OLG Düsseldorf Verk. 7. 9.2020

20200908 VDH - Faxbestatigung Wider ruf Weisung v. 13. Dezember 2019

Widerruf Weisung VDH

Klarstellung an Kynologische Organisationen 25.9.2020


Mönchengladbach, 24.09.2020

Professor Dr. Heinrich Meßler

Präsident SV

Präsident WUSV

Noch so ein Sieg und wir sind verloren! …


Information Bulletin WUSV Board of Directors – Hair Varieties & Recogniton of Diagnostics and

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Please allow us to use this opportunity to draw your esteemed attention to the fact that interbreeding of the
two hair varieties of stock hair and long stock hair with undercoat are a clear breach of the breed standard for
German Shepherd Dogs.

We kindly ask you to explicitly follow this requiremement. In the past and very much to our regret we noted
that this basic rule in connection with the breeding procedures of German Shepherd Dogs is still not fully
complied with in some of our member countries.

Furthermore, did we learn that in some WUSV member countries that are represented within the community
of the WUSV with two clubs, at times not all medical diagnostics and show- as well as training results from
the respective other club in their country are mutually recognized. This is also a clear violation of the WUSV
statutes and we kindly remind the countries affected of the necessity for close cooperation within their state

Thank you for your kind attention. In case of doubt, please contact us.

Circular Letter Hair Varieties & Recognition Diagnostics

With kind regards,

Hartmut Setecki


Circular Letter Preliminary Stud Rating

Ladies and Gentlemen:


Owing to the restrictions as a result of the Corona pandemic the SV decided to offer their members a chance to obtain a preliminary stud rating granted by an SV breed judge on the occasion of either an official breed survey examination or during an individually agreed appointment with an SV judge for dogs who are supposed to be used for breeding and who have not yet obtained any stud rating. The minimum age of the dogs shall be 17 months.


Our members are free to request the stud rating either on the occasion of a breed survey or any other kind of examination for breeding. The stud rating obtained in this fashion shall be valid for six months and will be recognized as a requirement for breeding and the breed survey in Germany. After those six months have expired, the dogs affected need to obtain a stud rating with the result GOOD on a regular show before the dogs can be used for breeding again. This also applies in case that the dogs are supposed to be presented for a new breed survey.


An individual examination for stud rating needs to be applied for at the SV by means of the appropriate form and is subject to the approval of the SV. Once the approval is granted, the SV studbook department provides the respective SV breed judge with a confirmation form into which he or she can enter the results of the preliminary stud rating.


Please find attached a sample of our forms to be used for this purpose. However, these forms are only intended for our members who wish to obtain a preliminary stud rating in Germany and may only be used by our breed judges for examinations to be taken in Germany. Please feel free to use the sample copy as a template to create your own forms.


Please be aware that preliminary stud ratings may only be granted by FCI recognized judges. The SV can only recognize these stud ratings for breed survey examinations to be held in your country. For breeding purposes and the participation in a breed survey in Germany the preliminary stud rating must have been obtained by an SV judge.


If you wish to implement this regulation for your own members please kindly let us have a copy of the form you wish to use for the purpose of preliminary stud ratings.


We look forward to hearing from you again and in case of doubt please rather contact us at any time.


With kind regards

Anne Fath


Circular Letter WUSV Universal Championship 2020


Prolongation Deadline Breed Survey 


No alternate date WUSV General Annual Assembly

Dear Member Clubs – Ladies and Gentlemen:


On May 05th, 2020 we did not see any other option but to inform you that the WUSV General Annual Assembly in September 2020 needed to be cancelled due to the consequences of the worldwide Corona pandemic. However, we did not stop to look into other options further toward the end of the year in order to still give you a chance to send out delegates for the meeting.


Given the size of the meeting and the requirements for social distancing that currently still apply in Germany, and also the problem to find an appropriate venue we regret very much having to inform you that the meeting cannot be postponed to any other date and will thus definitely be organized following the BSZ Conformation Show in 2021.


Thank you for your kind attention and for understanding.


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


am 05. Mai 2020 mussten wir Sie leider darüber informieren, dass die WUSV-Vollversammlung im September 2020 leider infolge der weltweiten Corona Pandemie abgesagt werden musste. Nichtsdestotrotz haben wir nichts unversucht gelassen, um zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt einen Ersatztermin anzuberaumen, um Ihren Delegierten die Möglichkeit zu einem Treffen zu geben.


In Anbetracht des üblichen Umfanges der Veranstaltung und der bestehenden Vorgaben zu den Abstandsregelungen im öffentlichen Leben, die derzeit in Deutschland nach wie vor Anwendung finden, sowie der Problematik, einen geeigneten Sitzungssaal zu finden, müssen wir Ihnen heute leider mitteilen, dass es für die Versammlung im Jahr 2020 keinen Ersatztermin mehr geben wird. Im kommenden Jahr werden wir die Vollversammlung dann wie gewohnt am Montag nach der SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschau abhalten.


Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Aufmerksamkeit in dieser Angelegenheit.


With kind regards – Mit besten Grüßen,


Hartmut Setecki

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherds (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Cancellation WUSV General Annual Assembly 2020 - Absage WUSV-Vollversammlung 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen:


On April 28th, 2020 we informed you about the cancellation of events and competitions as hosted by the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. this year. Very much to our regret, also the BSZ Conformation Show in Nuremberg 2020 was affected by this decision. In order to be on the safe side and to avoid misunderstandings it goes without saying that the WUSV General Annual Assembly following the BSZ Show which was scheduled for September 07, 2020 was cancelled, too, for the same reasons.


Please inform all parties affected accordingly. We are looking forward to welcome your delegates next year again and send our best wishes,


Hartmut Setecki


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


am 28. April 2020 informierten wir Sie über die Absage verschiedener Veranstaltungen des Vereins für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. Zu unserem großen Bedauern ist auch die Bundessiegerzuchtschau im September dieses Jahres in Nürnberg von dieser Entscheidung betroffen und um eventuellen Missverständnissen vorzubeugen, würden wir diese Gelegenheit gern nutzen, um ausdrücklich darauf hinzuweisen, dass die sich an die BSZ anschließende WUSV-Vollversammlung am 07.September 2020 ebenfalls und aus den gleichen Gründen abgesagt werden muss.  


Bitte informieren Sie alle betroffenen Parteien in Ihrer Organisation entsprechend. Wir freuen uns, Ihre Delegierten im kommenden Jahr wieder begrüßen zu dürfen und senden unsere besten Wünsche.

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherds (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Corona Pandemic & Event Scheduling

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The situation in terms of the Corona pandemic is still very tense, and for all we know at this point we will be facing the necessity for prolonged measures that aim at the slow-down and containment of the Corona virus at a nationwide level.

And even though the events and competitions as scheduled by the SV as the main club seem to be rather far away on our current time-frame we cannot deny the fact that all preparations for the participation in these main events are currently already in full swing.

During the past couple of weeks many of our members enquired about the main events and competitions. Many people have become insecure and worry that short-term cancellations might affect them economically. This applies first and foremost for the competitors who are in charge of the planning and organization of the participation at the respective events.

Therefore, the SV Board of Directors is currently experiencing a situation that requires the hardest decision-making process they have ever seen in their career at the SV – in particular since the decisions they now have to work on are not only and exclusively based on reliable facts and findings.

But on the other hand, it is the responsibility of the SV Board of Directors to avoid and ward off any possible damages – either health-related or of economic nature – from the organizers of events, the participants and club members. This is of crucial importance against the background that many people are now facing an insecure future after the crisis coupled with worries about their personal health, their work places and financial situation, and thus it is even more important to provide the people with a clear perspective in terms of the short-term future planning.

For the reasons as outlined above, the Board of Directors discussed the issues pending with the respective expert committees which resulted in the following decisions we wish to inform you about.

·         SV National Winner Show & International Championship for Rescue Dogs – SV-Bundessiegerprüfung für Rettungshunde & Internationales Championat – with venue in in Bamenohl (National Group of Westphalia) – scheduled for August 06th to August 09th, 2020
Cancellation of the event and postponement from November 05th to November 08th, 2020 – the venue remains the same.

·         SV National Winner Show for Shepherding – SV-Bundesleistungshüten – with venue in Eimke (National Group of Lower Saxony) – scheduled from August 28 th to August 30th, 2020
Cancellation of the event and postponement to 2021 – the venue remains the same and the date subject to confirmation.

·         SV Championship Rally Obedience with venue in Merseburg (National Group of Saxony-Anhalt) – scheduled from August 29th, to August 30th, 2020
Cancellation of the event and postponement to 2021 – the venue remains the same and the date subject to confirmation.

·         SV Conformation Show BSZ – SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschau – with venue in Nürnberg (National Group of Bavaria North) – scheduled from September 03rd, to September 06th, 2020
Cancellation of the event and the WUSV Annual General Meeting for the year 2020.

·         SV National Winner Show IGP & Agility – SV-Bundessiegerprüfung IGP & Agility – with venue in Meppen (National Group Waterkant) – scheduled for September 18th, to September 20th, 2020
Re-evaluation of the current situation – the final decision shall be taken by the end of May 2020.

·         SV Championship Agility and National League Final – SV-Meisterschaft Agility und Bundesliga-Finale – with venue still to be defined – scheduled from September 26th, to September 27th, 2020
Cancellation of the SV Championship Agility and National League Final as a result of the cancellation of the VDH-DM Agility dated April 20, 2020

·         SV National Tracking Dogs Examination – SV-Bundesfährtenhundprüfung – with venue in Paderborn (National Group of East Westphalia-Lippe) – scheduled from October 23rd, to October 25th, 2020
Re-evaluation of the current situation – the final decision shall be taken by the end of May 2020.

·         SV Championship Obedience and SV National Winner Show Obedience SV-Meisterschaft Obedience und SV-Bundessiegerprüfung Obedience – with venue in Hausen-Obertshausen – scheduled from Obtober 24th, to October 25th, 2020
Re-evaluation of the current situation – the final decision shall be taken by the end of May 2020.

Thank you very much for your attention in this matter. We will immediately inform you by the end of May with regard to the issues still pending.


Easter Greetings April 2020


Dear WUSV-Member Clubs

Ladies and Gentlemen


Even though the year 2020 is still rather young the first four months have been an eventful time and I would like to use the up-coming Easter weekend to address you in person after quite some time.

After the first shock and frustration caused by the instructions as issued by the German FCI branch VDH with all its sweeping consequences which prevented the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. from granting judge releases to all of you who were not affiliated to your national FCI clubs, we took action again.

The following legal procedure in an effort to appeal this directive went well for us and fortunately judges can be released again to all of you provided that all other requirements as stipulated in the respective regulations are met. It was a struggle but worth while every effort with many lessons learnt and new perspectives to be followed. I would like to take this opportunity to express my very special thanks to those WUSV-Member Clubs and the people who have successfully pushed this matter​. 

And when we thought things would be half the way back to normal the pandemic struck us, affecting societies and governments around the globe. We are now all experiencing how we are interconnected and that it is of crucial importance to cooperate at world wide level. Common sense shall now be our first requirement and thus it was only logical to postpone the UNIVERSAL Championship 2020 to November this year. France – this year’s hosting country – will be just as nice a couple of months later. Travelling is not an option at the moment and our members’ safety enjoys top priority over any other kind of consideration in the dog’s world. This applies at both international and national level. Events and competitions are to be cancelled at any rate and I kindly call upon all of you in charge at your clubs to follow suit in this respect. Just do NOT take risks that you might later regret.


The Easter weekend is around the corner – a special time of the year that brings a tragic ending and sorrow for a while followed by the beginning of something new combined with hope and inspiration – with highly symbolic meaning for our current times. I would like to also encourage all of you to stay alert and optimistic at the same time. There will be a life after the pandemic which might be different for all of us in dog sports since our social lives will surly remain affected and need adaption for a long time. But I am confident that we will all cope and find solutions and approaches that will get us back to normal – if maybe only half the way. Sometime, when the entire house seems to be in a mess this also offers a good opportunity for the spring cleaning. Let’s just tackle it!


With kind wishes & Happy Easter,


Professor Dr Heinrich Meßler

WUSV President



Ladies and Gentlemen: 

In the light of the current events and the restrictions that the Corona Pandemic entails, very much to our regret we see no other remedy but to postpone the WUSV Universal Championship that was originally scheduled for June this year to  

  • November 26th to November 29th, 2020 

This is, of course, provided that the situation will have calmed down by then. The venue in Strasbourg, France remains the same. This decision was by no means easy for us but on the other hand this is not a matter of choice but of health and safety which enjoys highest priority from our side. It would be most irresponsible to expose handlers, staff, and spectators to unnecessary health related risks – leave alone other factors of uncertainty such as travel arrangements and hotel accommodations since nobody can predict for the time being when the ban on travelling will be lifted again.  

We understand the disappointment and frustration that our decision might cause for some of you – but let us always put safety first. And if you look at it – the month of November will have many pros, too, since hot weather conditions will not be an issue and the competition will be much easier for our dogs than in summer.  

So we are looking forward to meeting you in Strasbourg by the end of the year. In case of doubt do not hesitate to contact the WUSV Secretariat General. We wish you the very best and please stay healthy.

With kind regards, 

The WUSV Board of Directors

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherds (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Ladies and Gentlemen:


Please find attached a communication regarding the rating VA on the occasion of national conformation shows for your perusal and kind attention. In case of doubt please do not hesitate to contact the WUSV Secretariat General. The ladies and gentlemen breed judges will receive a copy of the correspondence upon every release notification we send out for the annual winner shows. This requirement is based on a decision taken on the occasion of last year’s WUSV General Annual Meeting. For details please refer to the minutes of the assembly.  


With kind wishes from Augsburg!

Hartmut Setecki

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherds (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -

Circular Letter Rating VA - Vergabe VA


Dear WUSV Member Clubs

Ladies and Gentlemen


We are pleased to inform you about the latest development in terms of SV judge releases. For details please see the circular letter attached. In case of doubt please do not hesitate to contact us.

We wish you all the very best and please stay healthy.


With kind wishes from Augsburg!

Hartmut Setecki

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherds (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Circular Letter to all WUSV Member Clubs


Dear All

Another year has gone – actually flown by – and I would like to use this opportunity to thank you all for your kindness, the good cooperation and your ever lasting patience with me. This year was special for me since I had the chance to play a tiny little personal role in the WUSV Universal Championship in England which gave me the chance to take a closer look at the “practical” side of dog sports where otherwise my work is rather office bound. It gave me something to look forward to for six months of this year and then happy memories which I have been cherishing ever since.

I wish you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy & healthy New Year 2020 and look forward to working with you again in the new year.

With kindest wishes,

Helga Seidel



Ladies and Gentlemen:

Dear Member-Clubs:


Following the latest directive we received by our umbrella organization – the VDH in Germany – we are no longer allowed to grant judge releases to WUSV member clubs which are not members or affiliated to their national Kennel Clubs respectively national FCI organization. In order to avoid future misunderstandings and expenses for all parties involved we kindly ask you to inform us in written by December 31, 2019 at the latest whether your organization belongs to the national FCI organization in your country. If so, please kindly provide us with a written confirmation respectively your membership documents for us to verify the information received and send it to the following electronic address:




Please be aware that we cannot continue to grant judge releases to your club in case that no written confirmation about your membership in your national FCI organization can be provided, and your status as FCI affiliated member shall be considered pending until further notice.  


Please kindly understand that we need to take this step since we wish to guarantee a smooth procedure for future judge releases. In case of doubt please contact us and we will gladly assist you.


With kind wishes,


Hartmut Setecki



Ladies und Gentlemen:


We would like to inform about an important new regulation regarding the organization of breed surveys. In cooperation with the SV breeding board the SV board of directors decided, analog to the processing in the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V., to install a registration system in countries where a SV breed surveyor is acting. In the future, we would like to ask you to please follow the below instructions:


  1. At least 10 days before the event the national club informs the SV main office about the participating dogs. We accept the “Registration list of the breed survey” (please use only the form issued by the SV) send by eMail to koerung@schaeferhunde.de or a completed entry form for each dog. Only the listed dogs can start at the breed survey.
  2. The participating dogs will be published from the registration office on SV-DOxS. The national club and the SV-judge will be informed about which items still have to be cleared.


In this connection, we would like to refer to our circular vom September 13, 2019 where the submission of breed survey documents for SV processing following the event is described detailed.


We would like to ask for your careful attention of the described new regulation; should you need further information, please, do not hesitate to contact our office.


Best regards
A. Fath


Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V.
- Hauptgeschäftsstelle –
Sachbearbeiterin: Brigitte Elges
Tel.: (0821) 74 00 2 - 57
Fax: (0821) 74 00 2 - 9957
E-Mail: brigitteelges@schaeferhunde.de


Ladies and Gentlemen – Dear Member Clubs,


Please find below a link that takes you to the WUSV homepage where you can now find the dashboard as kindly worked out by Mr. Egon Gutknecht – WUSV coordinator for trial – which is supposed to provide you with support while navigating the new FCI-IGP that took effect in January this year. In case of doubt, please contact us.







With kind wishes from Augsburg!

Helga Seidel

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherds (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Dear All:


Reference is made to the correspondence below. Since we did not really receive any of the amounts announced I am afraid that those of you who paid the donation maybe by chance sent the money to the account of the SV without giving a reference in terms of the donation for Venezuela. If that was the case and the accountants at the SV could not clearly identify the purpose of the money received they booked it to an interim account or maybe even to your clubs account with the SV. At any rate, this is impossible for me to track. Since it matters to me that our friends in Venezuela receive all the help that they can get please kindly let me know – if you have sent money since September 27, 2019 – the amount and to which account it was wired. The date of the transaction would also be nice to have. This would enable me to search for the money respectively provide helpful information to the accountants.


My apologies for the inconvenience. I am very much looking forward to hearing from you again and wish you and your members – and the four-legged friends – an enjoyable weekend.


With kind wishes from Augsburg!

Helga Seidel


PS: Maybe a little note for clarification. Whenever I send out circular letters to all member clubs of the WUSV I put the electronic addresses into the field for blind copies. I am taking this step for data protection reasons. So when I address you with “Dear Member Clubs/ Ladies and Gentlemen/ or Dear All” you can assume that I sent the message out to all of you and not only to your personal organization. I do hope this sheds some light on our business procedure. Thank you once more for your time.

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherds (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Ladies and Gentlemen:


Please be informed that next year’s BSZ Conformation Show shall take place in Nuremberg from September 03rd to September 06th, 2020. Details will be published in a timely fashion next year and can be found at




We do hope to welcome you there and look forward to meeting you.

With kind wishes - Mit besten Grüßen


Helga Seidel

World Union of the Associations of German Shepherds (WUSV) e.V./ registered association
- Secretariat General -


Ladies and Gentlemen – dear WUSV Member Clubs:


Please note that no member of the WUSV may support or be a member or partner of an organization that is against the rules of the FCI.

Any WUSV member found to be violating this provision will immediately be subjected to appropriate action, including suspension/disqualification from the WUSV.

If in doubt please always contact the WUSV Secretariat General first.


The WUSV President


Weltunion der Vereine für Deutsche Schäferhunde (WUSV) e.V.
- Generalsekretariat –


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Dear WUSV Member Clubs:


Please find attached the minutes of the meeting for this year’s WUSV General Annual Assembly as well as a copy of the newly admitted WUSV Breeding Program which shall be published on the WUSV homepage in a timely fashion. Please be aware that the objection period for the minutes of the meeting is two weeks. In case of doubt, please contact us.


Thank you very much for your time and kind consideration.

2019_Protokoll_English.pdf WUSV_Breeding_Program24.09.2019.pdf


Ladies and Gentlemen:


Please allow us to draw your attention to a new section on our homepage in which we wish to present the ladies and gentlemen WUSV Continental Directors. We are beginning with Dr Morton Goldfarb from the United States of America and Mr. Luciano Musolino from Italy. Please learn more about their vita and scope of responsibilities within the WUSV. In total, twelve WUSV Continental Directors were appointed this year and the remaining ladies and gentlemen are coming up soon. Please keep visiting our homepage under https://www.wusv.org/en


Thank you for your kind attention!


Dear WUSV-Member Clubs – Ladies and Gentlemen:


Today, we are permitting ourselves to remind you of our donation campaign that we initiated on the occasion of this year’s WUSV General Annual Meeting to the benefit of our esteemed member club in Venezuela, the Asociación De Criadores Del Perro Pastor Aleman De Venezuela (ACPPAV) under the leadership of president Armando Sanoja that is badly affected by the countries more than difficult economic situation and the recession this entails. Very much to our delight many of your delegates signed the open donation list that we passed on during the meeting in Nuremberg. Some of you still needed to discuss the issue with their board members back home which is well understandable.


The other clubs intended to make their contribution by bank transfer. Therefore, we would like to provide you with the WUSV bank details for your convenience as follows.


  • Commerzbank in Augsburg
  • IBAN DE 71 7208 0001 0118 1609 00
  • BIC: DRES DEFF 720


It goes without saying that those of you who have been undecided while at the meeting are still very welcome to make a little contribution. Every little amount counts and helps. The money shall not be transferred to the bank account of the club in Venezuela since the organization will for sure not benefit from that given the fiscal situation in that country. Instead, the total amount shall be held in trust by WUSV Board of Directors member, Mr. Roberto Caputi from Ecuador who is at the same time president of the umbrella organization COAPA that covers all of Central and South America, and will be allocated over the course of three years to the president of the organization. The donations shall be earmarked and tied to the purpose of supporting the club with means that are required to keep up the club activities or what is left of it.


Your support is very much appreciated. Thank you for your help. In case of doubt please contact Helga Seidel at the WUSV Secretariat General in Augsburg.  


With kind regards from Augsburg!

Hartmut Setecki


Dear WUSV Member Clubs – Ladies and Gentlemen:


Once again the WUSV has grown. On the occasion of the WUSV General Annual Assembly on September 09th, 2019 the Asociación de Criadores del Ovejero Alemán - ACOA RD under the leadership of president Pablo Peralta was unanimously admitted to the community of the WUSV. The club was founded in 2012 and currently counts 35 members. Mentor to the club will be WUSV Director Roberto Caputi from Ecuador. Our warmest congratulations. We wish the club the best of luck and success in their work for the years to come. For details to the club please follow the link below.




Also, good news come from Mongolia. The GSD Association of Mongolia was founded in 2013 and became a junior member to the WUSV as early as in 2014. President is Mr. Soronzonbold Otgonzul  who leads the organization that currently counts 800 members. On the occasion of this year’s General Annual Assembly the delegates unanimously accepted the club that developed well during the course of the past five years as a full member to the WUSV. The club’s mentor, WUSV Director Imran Husain from Pakistan, will continue to provide support and advice where needed. Also our warmest congratulations and good luck for the future to come.  


With kind wishes from Augsburg!

Hartmut Setecki


Ladies and Gentlemen:


Please be informed that time and time again, and very much to our regret, the processing of breed survey documents from abroad is delayed because the documents provided are not complete and thus entail correspondence which otherwise could have been avoided.


In order to facilitate the administrative handling of breed surveys from abroad we shall proceed as follows from now on:


  1. The complete documents shall be passed on to the SV by the national club where the breed survey took place. We will then assume that the documents presented were verified by the hosting club and will consider the official presentation by the club as a confirmation of the examinations and breed shows from the respective countries.


  1. In order to ensure a trouble-free process the following complete documents shall be submitted for each participating dog:
  • Original Pedigree
  • Companion Dog Test (BH)
  • IPO1 respectively  IGP1 examination
  • Recognized stud-rating (youth class, young dog class, working dog class)
    Verifications of a stud-rating in the „open classes“ (older than 24 months without trial certificate) shall only be recognized by the SV if obtained under an SV judge. CACIB shows hosted abroad in terms of the intermediate classes shall not be recognized for breed surveys.
  • Recognized HD diagnosis respectively stamp on the pedigree
  • Recognized ED diagnosis respectively stamp on the pedigree

Please kindly understand that we will have to return the entire documents for breed surveys for all dogs involved to the hosting club in case that the papers provided turn out to be incomplete.

  1. Documents that we receive from third parties shall immediately be returned to the club in charge without prior verification.


In the interest of a smooth and timely processing of breed survey documents we would like to thank you in advance for your kind attention and for your support in terms of the above mentioned items.


We will also inform the breed survey judges that the examination documents shall from now on only be submitted to the SV by the hosting clubs.  


Thank you very much for understanding. In case of doubt please contact us at any time.   


Circular Letter to all WUSV Member Clubs


Ladies and Gentlemen:


According to the regulations of the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. a successful character test is required for dogs who were born from July 01st, 2017 on if they are supposed to be used for breeding. The same applies for these dogs if they are supposed to be presented at a breed survey and a breed show.


In order to grant you enough time for the implementation of the scheme for character testing the SV stipulated a transitional period provided that the dogs affected shall only take part in breed shows in Germany but are not supposed to be used for breeding in our country. All dogs who were born before July 01st, 2020 are admitted to SV breed shows in Germany.


For breed surveys in Germany a successful character test is also required for dogs who were born from July 01st, 2017 on.


For breed surveys in your country the SV Board of Directors also granted a transitional period that applies for dogs who were born before July 01st, 2020 and who are admitted to be presented on the occasion of a breed survey. However, for dogs who will be born from July 01st, 2020 on the SV will also require a successful character test for breed surveys abroad. Please kindly inform your members that along with the certificates for breed surveys also a certificate of a successful character test will have to be submitted for all dogs born from July 01st, 2020 on.


In case of doubt please do not hesitate to contact us again.  


Dear Colleagues,


I am writing to ask who is attending Nuremburg on behalf of your clubs please?  Also, if anyone is available on the Thursday afternoon around 3pm at the stadium to get together and say hello and have a quick discussion before my meeting with the SV/WUSV and the other Continental Directors at 4.30 pm so I can ensure I am aware of the issues you are having.  I have already had conversations with some members regarding their problems.


You will all be aware of the request made to all member clubs regarding your activities with your own countries kennel clubs/controlling body and the relationship with the FCI.  Can I remind you this must be returned to the WUSV prior to the 15th September.  If anyone has already submitted this, I would appreciate if you could send me a copy of your comments so I can understand the issues in your country.


I also want to let you know that following a suggestion by the WUSV, I have appointed 3 Associates to assist me in this role as it is not something that only one person can do alone.  Like yourself I am sure, we all have to work and have our other lives to life and dogs to care for.  These very experienced and very knowledgeable associates cover more aspects of our breed participation.  I would like to thank them all for agreeing to assist.  I will be looking to appoint one more from one of the other countries in the future.


These associates are:-


Tommy Oftedal – Based in Norway

Clare Weir – Based in Ireland

Henriette Bohnstedt – Based in Great Britain


All 3 are looking forward to working together to help all of our member countries.


Kindest regards and I look forward to hearing from you soonest.


Heather Macdonald

Continental Director

Europe North West

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